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Biographical Profiles and Positions on the Issues

November 2006 Massachusetts General Election

Candidates for Congressional District 6, Massachusetts

John F. Tierney - D
Richard W. Barton - R
Videos by Candidate
John F. Tierney
General Philosophy
Personal and Family
Professional Experience
Civic Involvement
Political Experience
Religious Affiliation
Accomplishments and Awards
Educational Background
Military Service
Reasons & Objectives
Why I Am Running for Public Office
Achievements If Elected
On Entering Public Service
Endorsments, Voting, Elections, Politics & Government
Government & Democracy
Campaign Finance Reform
Jobs, Economy, Trade, Business, Industry & Agriculture
Economic Stimulus
Guest Worker and H-1B Programs
Health & Medical
Health & Medical Reform
Prescription Drugs
Health and Medical Insurance
Reducing Health Care Costs
Medicare Part D Prescription Drug Program
Education & Schools
Higher Education & College Costs
Private Schools Vouchers and Funding
School Safety
Student Loans, Scholarships and Pell Grants
Local Control Over Education
Classroom Size
Environment & Climate Change
Renewable Energy & Fossil Fuels
Immigration, Border Security, Terrorism & Homeland Security
Immigrants, Refugees, & Asylum Seekers
The Wall, Border Security & Border Patrol
National Security
Illegal Immigration Enforcement
Homeland Securtiy
Undocumented Immigrants
Guest Worker and H-1B Programs
Illegal Immigration as a Crime or Felony
Illegal Immigrants Social Services
Legal Status, Residency & Citizenship for Immigrant Youth
Illegal Immigration Amnesty
Naturalization Backlog for Immigrants
War on Terror
Criminalize Assistance to Illegal Immigrants
National Security Agency (NSA) & Citizen Surveillance
Electronic Verification System for Employers
Real ID Act
Domestic Intelligence & Agencies
Terrorist & Enemy Combatant Rights
Infrastructure & Transportation
Train Travel and Amtrak
Military, National Defense & Veterans
GI Bill & Veterans' Benefits
Veterans Funding
Seniors, Social Security, Medicare, Pensions
Social Security
Social Security Long Term Viability
Privatizing Social Security
Federal Budget & Fiscal Policy
Fiscal Policy
Federal Budget
Pardon the interruption, but …
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