Kristi Noem
Biographical Profile and Positions on the Issues

Currently Elected Governor, South Dakota

South Dakota Republican Party
18575 US Hwy 81Castlewood SD 57223
(605) 271-9232
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Personal and Family
Professional Experience
Civic Involvement
Political Experience
Educational Background
Endorsments, Voting, Elections, Politics & Government
Government & Democracy
Jobs, Economy, Trade, Business, Industry & Agriculture
Crime, Police & Imprisonment
Crime & Prevention
Health & Medical
Health & Medical Reform
Health and Medical Insurance
Elderly's Health & Abuse
Education & Schools
Local Control Over Education
Parental Involvement in Education
Abortion, Pro-Life & Genetic Engineering
Abortion(Pro-Choice) v Pro-Life
Courts, Laws & Justice
Courts & Trials
Gun & Property Rights
Gun Legislation and Control
Right to Own and Cary Guns - Second Amendment
High Capacity Amo & Gun Locks
Immigration, Border Security, Terrorism & Homeland Security
The Wall, Border Security & Border Patrol
Immigration Policy & Reform
Illegal Immigration Enforcement
Illegal Immigration Amnesty
Property Taxes
Federal Budget & Fiscal Policy
Debt, Deficit Spending & Limits
Fiscal Policy
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