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Biographical Profiles and Positions on the Issues

November 2004 Rhode Island General Election

Candidates for U.S. President & Vice President

John Kerry - D
John Edwards - D
George W. Bush - R
Richard B. "Dick" Cheney - R
David Keith Cobb - G
Ralph Nader - I
Peter Miguel Camejo - REF
Michael Badnarik - L
Richard Campagna - L
Michael Peroutka - R
Chuck Baldwin - REF
John Thompson Parker - PF
Teresa Gutierrez
Videos by Candidate
John Thompson Parker / Teresa Gutierrez
General Philosophy
Personal and Family
Professional Experience
Civic Involvement
Political Experience
Religious Affiliation
Accomplishments and Awards
Educational Background
Military Service
Reasons & Objectives
Why I Am Running for Public Office
Achievements If Elected
Areas to Concentrate On
On Entering Public Service
Endorsments, Voting, Elections, Politics & Government
Government & Democracy
Voting and Election Reform
Government Corruption and Ethics
Money and Special Interests
527 Stealth & Super PACs
Campaign Finance Reform
Public Funding of Political Campaigns
Ballot Measures & Citizen Participation
Campaign Spending Limits
DC Voting Representation in Congress
Separation of Church & State
FEMA and Hurricane Katrina
Soft-money Political Contributions
Foreign Policy
Foreign Policy
Israel, Hamas and Palestinian Conflict
Iran Nuclear Deal & Sanctions
Nuclear Weapons & Non-Proliferation Treaty
North Korea
Middle East
Islam and Muslims
America's Image Abroad
Promotion of Democracy Around World
Recognition of a Palestinian State
Jobs, Economy, Trade, Business, Industry & Agriculture
Farm Subsidies & Supports
Guest Worker and H-1B Programs
Foreign Job Outsourcing
Tariffs & Trade with China
Paid Maternity, Family & Medical Leave
Trade Barriers to US Goods
Income Inequality
Trade Agreements
Family Farm
Globalism & Nationalism
Independent Workers
Auto Industry
Businesses Moving Offshore
Department of Agriculture
Fast Track Authority
Country of Origin Labeling
Crime, Police & Imprisonment
Crime & Prevention
Death Penalty
Hate Crimes
Hate Crimes Legislation
Human Rights
Housing & Communities
Federal Mortgage Regulation
Low Income and Public Housing & Assistance
Labor, Wages & Unions
Minimum Wage
Unions and Collective Bargaining
Paid Maternity, Family & Medical Leave
Income Inequality
Worker Rights and Benefits
Occupational Safety and Health (OSHA)
Employee Free Choice Act
Health & Medical
Universal Medical Care & Insurance
Health & Medical Reform
Prescription Drugs
Children's Health, Abuse And Neglect (32)
Rural Health Care
Health and Medical Insurance
Reducing Health Care Costs
Generic Drugs
Medicare Part D Prescription Drug Program
Chronic & Catastrophic Illnesses
Medically Uninsured or Underinsured
Preventive Health Care
Health Care Tax Credits
Medical Errors
Business Tax Credits for Employee Health Coverage
Free Market Health Care
Medical Malpractice Reform
Medical Research
TRICARE Health Insurance
Education & Schools
Higher Education & College Costs
Private Schools Vouchers and Funding
Prayer & Pledge of Allegiance in Schools
Charter and Magnet Schools
Pre-School and Early Childhood Education
Student Loans, Scholarships and Pell Grants
Teacher Pay
No Child Left Behind
Sex and Birth Control Education
Student Standards and Testing
Special Education
Education Tax Credits
Teacher Standards
After-School, Sports, Art, Music Programs
Sexual Orientation Education
Teacher Tenure
Textbook Selection
Computers & Technology in Schools
High Schools
Head Start
Adult Education
Math and Science in Schools
Environment & Climate Change
Clean Air and Water
Greenhouse Gas Emission Limits
Endangered Species
Clean Water Act of 1977
Global Environmental Standards
Toxic Waste
Fuel & Energy Efficiency & Standards
National Forests and Healthy Forests Initiative
Biodiversity & Biotechnology
National Forest Roadless Area Conservation Act
Abortion, Pro-Life & Genetic Engineering
Abortion(Pro-Choice) v Pro-Life
Roe v. Wade
Stem Cell Research
Partial-birth Abortions
Stem Cell Research Federal Funding
Poverty, Welfare & Hunger
Low Income and Public Housing & Assistance
Rural Poverty
Urban Poverty
Courts, Laws & Justice
Criminal Justice System, Reform & Disparity
Activist Judges
Judicial Appointments & Confirmations
Death Penalty
Judicial Discretion & Mandatory Minimum Sentencing
Federal Marriage Amendment (FMA)
Bankruptcy Reform
Banks & Finance
Payday Loans & Predatory Lending
China Currency Manipulation
Federal Mortgage Regulation
Civil, Religious, LGBTQ & Human Rights
Civil Rights
Roe v. Wade
Affirmative Action
Same Sex Marriage
Sexual Orientation Discrimination
Gays Serving in the Military
Hate Crimes
Hate Crimes Legislation
Property Rights vs. Civil Rights
Civil Unions & Domestic Partnerships
Sexual Orientation Education
Homosexuality Choice or Chance
USA Patriot Act
Human Rights
The Military Don't Ask/Don't Tell Policy
Federal Marriage Amendment (FMA)
Gender Equality
Values, Religion, Family, Patriotism & Public Service
Child Care
American Values
National Service and AmeriCorps
Child Support
Teen Pregnancy
Marijuana, Illegal Drugs, Alcohol, Cigarettes, Gambling & Prostitution
Medical Marijuana
Cigarettes and Smoking
Illegal Drugs
Metamphetamines and Opioids
Drinking Age
Punishments for Drug Crimes
Gun & Property Rights
Gun Legislation and Control
Ban on Bump Stocks & Assault Weapons
Right to Own and Cary Guns - Second Amendment
Renewable Energy & Fossil Fuels
Nuclear Power
Greenhouse Gas Emission Limits
Ethanol & Biofuels
Foreign Oil Energy Independence
Gas Prices & Gas Taxes
Fuel & Energy Efficiency & Standards
Auto Industry
Energy Research and Development
Hydrogen Cell Fuel Initiative
Immigration, Border Security, Terrorism & Homeland Security
Immigrants, Refugees, & Asylum Seekers
The Wall, Border Security & Border Patrol
Immigration Policy & Reform
Airport, Air, Rail & Port Security
Department of Homeland Security (DHS)
National Security
Illegal Immigration Enforcement
Homeland Securtiy
Guest Worker and H-1B Programs
Naturalization Backlog for Immigrants
War on Terror
Citizenship for Illegal Immigrants
English as Official Language
Employers Who Hire Illegals
Domestic Intelligence & Agencies
Evacuation Preparedness
Water, Hazardous Materials & Bio Terrorism
Infrastructure & Transportation
Technology, Internet, Social Media, Science & Space
Internet Neutrality
Rural Internet Access
Research and Development
5G & High Speed Broadband Deployment
Media Ownership Concentration
Corporate & Business Taxes
Income Taxes
Tax Reform
Corporate Tax Breaks & Loopholes
Education Tax Credits
Child Tax Credit
Business Tax Breaks and Incentives
Health Care Tax Credits
Offshore Tax Shelters
Business Tax Credits for Employee Health Coverage
Marriage Penalty
Tax-Free Savings Accounts
Military, National Defense & Veterans
Defense and Military Budget
Gays Serving in the Military
Veterans' Health and Medical Care
GI Bill & Veterans' Benefits
Military Families
National Guard & Reserves
Military Pay, Medical Care and Benefits
Seniors, Social Security, Medicare, Pensions
Social Security
Social Security Long Term Viability
Privatizing Social Security
Raising Retirement Age & Reducing Payment Levels
Social Security Means Testing
Federal Budget & Fiscal Policy
Fiscal Policy
Federal Budget
Balanced Budget Constitutional Amendment
Presidential Line-item Veto
Sexual Orientation Discrimination
Affirmative Action
Sex & Sexuality
Sex and Birth Control Education
Same Sex Marriage
Sexual Orientation Discrimination
Civil Unions & Domestic Partnerships
Homosexuality Choice or Chance
Homosexuality as Sin
The Military Don't Ask/Don't Tell Policy
Gender Equality
Consumers & Food
Consumer Product Safety, Fraud and Protection
Financial Consumer Protection
Credit Cards
Food Safety
Pardon the interruption, but …
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